Monday, December 12, 2016

Where is our humanity gone…

When we are down where are the ones to pick us up.  We feel alone in our problems.  No sight to the finish line, we hurt alone.  The world is an endless service that does not service us.  We fight to keep our homes, our cars, our health; but no one opens a door to help make it possible.  No partial payments, no deferments, not eligible for healthcare or way to expensive.  

Why do we accept this madness?  Why do we not help and find a way to get through the tough times instead of throwing people out of their homes, taking away their way to get to places, and leading people to an earlier death.  We don’t care about each other anymore and it is sad.  It is a crime!  Big companies hide behind their name, there are no faces, no feelings; just an invisible man hammering down until he gets his piece.  Coldness and no heart is what we are about.  Can we ever begin to care again, for not just ourselves, but mankind?  I know we all have to do our part, pay our debts, be part of the society that helps; but what do we do if we fall on hard times and need a moment in time a helping hand.

 Who will help us after we stumble and have fallen?  If we literally fell in front of the world would someone take us by the hand and help us up.  At this point we would be left on the ground with scraped bloody knees with the world yelling at us to get up and move on. 

As an individual people may feel that their role may not be enough but thats not so!Every individual can turn the world upside down if he/she desires for the same.

  • First of all stop criticizing your country
  • Secondly try to donate food that is not useful at homes.
  • Show concern for everyone and respect every individual
  • Never ever throw wrappers or wastes on the road
  • Whenever travelling in public transport and you find a an older person or a woman, offer your seat to them
 Start with some step , It will be broad in future.Because we need to start from something, if we can start then it will bigger.

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